雖然話魅力先生好多朋友覺得啲服務差加價錢貴,但係仲好多人用,可能係啲仔仔無論喺樣貌同身裁方面 (睇相) 係高幾班;無他,有時比錢出嚟玩,大家都係想啲好嘢,有啲人貪新鮮靚仔,有啲人覺得服務重要啲,個樣同身裁返而次要。大隻鵬好少用佢地叫,喺深圳基本上唔用,不過有時北上去北京同上海會用東方男模,最少唔會有假相,只要佢地唔開天殺價都仲可以。
最近又收到陳兄提供,話試咗喱個 "陽剛超大男模",先講接電話嗰個,陳兄話可能最近經濟環境唔太好,個鴨頭啲態度唔算差,不過都唔係好有禮貎嗰種,而且叫價都係 500 人仔;陳兄想叫啲唔係無咗就話要好遲,佢又無電腦睇唔到個鴨頭推薦個號碼啲相,最後都堅持叫到佢想叫其中一個,就佢喱個 002 (見圖):
"相片睇到佢下面超大,不過就一直証實唔到,因為佢未硬過哂比我睇;樣貎同照片確實係同一人,幾好,身裁都 OK,同啲相有 7 成咁正,以魅力先生啲相咁多 touch up 算好像真 (上次你介紹個 "四川種馬" 只有 3 成);佢態度都算唔差,沖完涼出嚟都好主動,不過佢條 J 同相見到就差好遠,未硬之前只係普通 size,但最慘係你們經常提嘅問題,唔硬。
態度雖然好,但係服務就是有啲門面,點到即止,又唔夠熱情,可能係直仔都唔定;搞咗好耐都係軟,我都無心情再去幫佢搞硬,咁只好開始叫佢做 0,只係成個過程好明顯覺得佢好表面功夫,好想草草了事,我老實講就插得唔多過癮。不過最失望係重頭到尾未見過同 feel 過佢最 "大" 個賣點,而且頂多半硬,感覺就算起哂機都無張相見到咁大條巨炮,我就估唔通影相嗰陣裝假狗?同上面講咁,証實唔到...
所以只可以比佢 2.5 分,免強可試。"
哈,影相 "裝假狗" 都係第一次聽到,有無 friends 試過又見過佢條全硬 J;多謝陳兄。
Very interesting commentary. Mmmm, if the moneyboy is straight, it is hard to expect him to really "perform" to your satisfaction ga lah. There might be some reasons for the baba san to persuade you to choose other boys. But it was difficult/inappropriate for the baba san to explain. So he just told you that it would take you quite some time to wait lor... If you insisted, you would quite likely get disappointment lah.... Dun be too serious with these money boy matters. Just ask the money boy to do some licking (hehe) and JO lah... Fucking arh...no way lah.... Not safe ga... :>>>>
Kissing is not safe as well. Just the money boy does some licking will be fine... :>>>>
東方男模 has fake photo (#800), please see this link:
it is so fake ........
去北京當然搵酷龍啦,大隻又大碌,價錢又公道 , 而家仲開埋香港分部 仲係香港人同你安排 安心又放心
i like this guy too, but after see your blog, i will not find him
酷龍, pls dont advertize here. Shame on you!
哈, 係未真係可以"安心"大家心裏有數.. =) 其實酷龍算幾 OK, 不過都間唔中亂送仔上房, 明明叫 A 就送 B, 唔知係無心之失定點.
上面阿 Snoobie 兄, 如果單叫個鴨仔幫你吮同打飛機, 咁當然係好安全, 不過 "kissing" 同 "fucking" 都唔一定等放不安全, 各人有自己嘅低線.
Dear Pang Pang,
When one talks about safety, one tries to be conservative and risk averse. If one thinks that "不過 "kissing" 同 "fucking" 都唔一定等放不安全" even though he wants to stay on the safe side, he is actually deceiving himself and defeats his own purpose. Nowadays, AIDS is widespread and both HIV negative and positive persons should try their best to stop AIDS from spreading. I don't mean most people are so bad to deliberately spread AIDS. It really bothers people that people may spread AIDS before getting aware of the fact that they have already been infected in their last sexual activities. I am sorry that I have to say "各人有自己嘅低線" is just irresponsible as everyone has an obligation to compromise his/her individual right to enjoy the greatest sexual pleasure and join hands to fight AIDS.
To Snoobie: 我唔係太明白你想講嘅重點, 不過如果你睇過我寫啲有關安全性行為嘅文章, 我指嘅低線係肛交一定要用套, 而且要使用定確, 其他就睇個人接受程度 - 有人覺得口交都要笠, 又唔 kiss 得, 我個人無意見, 只不過大家要清楚接吻唔會感染 AIDS, 口交都唔會, 但係有機會得其他性病, 人家要 take 幾多 risk 我管唔到..
你話要防 AIDS 當然重要, 人人有負去保護自己同其地人, 不過肛交只要用套同用得合適從來都係極低風險性行為, 加上你講到叫人 kiss 都係 irresponsible 就有啲言重加無乜科學根據 (i.e. 過份驚恐 paranoid 都係有問題).
I think safe sex is very important, especially to the gay community, because there are too much temptation in the gay circle. Even this blog created by Pang... sorry to mention this... is one temptation out there: gay people who have never tried "duck" before may try to do so after reading this seditious blog... that's completely my own opinion - please don't give me any verbal attack.
To Snoobie: 好似係你 "attack" 緊我多啲喎.. 喱到從來都講要安全, 無論係安全性行為或者人生安全, 前後寫咗 4 次, 喺網頁右邊 "叫鴨安全第一題示" 下面有, 因為我都知可能會有人話個 blog 係 "鼓勵" 人去叫.
我會咁睇, 你(指讀者)如果有興趣叫, 你遲早都會試, 如果你無興趣你都唔會成日上嚟個 blog, 亦有人根本無諗過叫, 不過上嚟當睇故仔, 笑下算, 唔會因為我話邊隻鴨好佢就馬北上去叫; 大家咁大個人, 自己會量過輕重.
就算係去叫, 你跟唔跟住做 safe sex 又係另一件事, 我就盡咗力提咗; 一向有安全至上啲, 叫幾多點玩都無題; 有啲人唔意識到安全, 就算唔叫鴨喺 saunas, 一夜情咁都會中..
唉, 其實基佬可以有幾多 temptation 吖阿 Snoobie 兄; 你有無見過啲直場? 好壯觀架! 而且開大門做生意. 我上深圳喺火車經常聽到啲直麻甩佬大大聲話去邊叫雞, 去邊包小姐..
所以請你係咁多道德批判之前睇睇個大環境, ok?
No need to justify wor Mr. P. These are probably written by little kids.. always moralize.. take it easy la. CF
i dont think Peng encourages unsafe sex in his blog. Safe sex is very important and i believe one day in future AIDS will be healed; just like taking WAI GOR-simpel and easy. But before that safe sex is the first priority.
北京酷龍, any good introduce
我係北京一般都係搵酷龍 , 都幫襯左成2年 ,價錢比其他會所合理 , 試過幫襯 chinagaystar 同東方男模 , 價錢貴不得止 ,服務仲一d 都唔好 , 後來先知原來 chinagaystar 係全國性借仔 借人地會所既仔 , 仲要食水好深 , 收800-1200 就抽300-500 到返當地當地鴨頭同仔手 得好少錢, 而且d 仔根本就唔係自己既 , 做個中間人仲賺得多過出力做既仔 ,d仔當然唔順啦 , 收800 chinagaystar 抽300 , 鴨頭150 , 個仔得 350 , 如果你直接搵當地鴨頭 , 好似酷龍咁收你500-600 , d 仔可以分到既錢會多D ,有一小貼士 , 你地千奇唔好想話可以慳D 錢同仔交換電話 , 下次自己直接交易 ,其實好危險的 , 因為D鴨頭周佢地掛相 , 係會收起佢地身分證或其他野係手, 以妨萬一, 問我有乜推薦最近我就搵過北京酷龍既 031 063 101 都係 700-800 過夜 , 081 就 800 快餐 , 服務都OK 交足功課滿意 我係10仔兩樣都玩過 都唔錯.
thx introduce 北京酷龍, i like 031 too, do he 有肉, i do not like slim guy
上面 3 個留言都係同一個 IP, 大家小心自己分辨!
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